I've known Kori for quite some time now, and what a pleasure it's been having understood part of her journey and even more so having the honor to take her engagement photos. Hans Peter and Kori, if you're reading this... I'm sure this moment has been a long time coming for both of you. Sometimes you just have to wait for the right person to come along. It may be difficult and frustrating, but the end result is always marvelous. It's the culmination of everything these two individuals have gone through to make something work, and  that generally produces something that is unabashedly and wildly special. Although our time was short, I felt like I got a good indication of what kind of man Hans Peter is. He is kind, gentle, goofy, but decisive in nature. I couldn't have pictured any other kind of person to be with Kori. To see their chemistry was truly a joy. I hope the pictures in the set captivated their affections, joy and love for each other.

Follow the link > here < to see the full set. Enjoy.

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